Fulcrum Dashboard

Project Overview

Newtek offers small business many different services, from loans to insurance to web hosting. The issue is, all of these services were businesses acquired by Newtek, and as a result, are all staffed in different offices and use different databases. Using Fulcrum, Newtek is able to centralize the customer database, and use that data to offer other services the customer may need.

tldr; A single pane of glass dash that informs the user of the full breadth of the client

When a technical account representative is speaking to a client, the only information available is information in the technical database. Newtek wants the staff to see the full value of the customer, along helpful information about the other services. They wanted a tabbed interface that staff could peruse through. Looking at the requirements, I created a dashboard that would give them all the information required, all at once, with the ability to dig down into the details if needed.

  • Initial view
  • Lending Information
  • Referral Submission