nGage Offer Management

Project Overview

nGage had its fingers in many different technologies dealing with mobile solutions, but its bread and butter was text-message marketing. The company was basically started by purchasing a core software that sent text messages to lists. As we worked with clients, we expanded the software's capabilities.

One thing we needed was a new management area that could create, schedule and report on offers as well as manage a large subscriber base. The way the text messaging worked, a user would send a text, recieve confirmation, then periodically be sent offers that linked to a mobile web page with either a mobile purchase button or an in-store coupon code (flow included in slides below). We needed a system that could create all of this for the client easily.

After coming up with a front end design and flow, I worked with the dev team, making sure each action was accounted for and that we kept the interface easy to use and understand.

tldr; A full text-message marketing management solution, allowing for the creation of text message conversations, mobile page construction, subscriber management, and full reports.
  • Dashboard
  • Offer List
  • DAM
  • Flow